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What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation can give women with small or unevenly sized breasts a fuller, firmer, better-proportioned look through the placement of implants in the breast.

Our patients choose to undergo breast augmentation for many different medical and aesthetic reasons, including balancing breast size, compensating for reduced breast mass after pregnancy or surgery, or correcting a congenital breast defect. Under Dr. Garg’s expert care, patients enjoy great-looking, natural-feeling breasts that are one or more cup sizes larger after the operation.

We know that every woman is unique in both her desires and her body shape. With that in mind, we take the time during the preoperative consultations to learn what each patient hopes to gain from breast augmentation surgery and to decide which implant type and implant placement is best. In this way, every one of our patients enjoys completely customized treatment designed with her specific goals in mind.


The breast augmentation procedure lasts one to two hours and is typically performed with general anesthesia. Incisions are in hidden places on the breast to minimize scar visibility. Incision locations may be:

  • In the armpit (transaxillary)
  • In the crease on the underside of the breast (inframammary)
  • Around the areola, the dark skin around the nipple (periareolar)

The breast is then lifted, creating a pocket into which the implant is inserted.After the implants have been inserted and positioned beneath the nipples, the incisions are stitched closed, then taped and bandaged. In a few days, these bandages can be replaced with a surgical bra.

Breast Surgery Recovery

After breast augmentation, patients typically wear a surgical bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts. In a week to 10 days after breast augmentation, stitches will be removed.Most patients feel tired and sore after breast augmentation surgery, but this usually passes in days. Many patients return to work within the week. Any postoperative pain, swelling and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. Scars from breast augmentation incisions will begin to fade in a few months, and will continue to fade for months or years.


Risks Of Breast Augmentation

With any surgical procedure, there are some risks. The risks related to a breast augmentation with implants include:

  • Implant deflation or shifting due to change in breast shape over time
  • Assymetry
  • Change in nipple sensation
  • Capsular contracture
  • Implant leaks/ruptures

Breast Augmentation by Fat Grafting

Dr B K Garg also offers fat grafting to augment the breasts. Micro-fat grafting is an implant-free fat transfer breast augmentation technique. This technique is minimally invasive and has the wonderful additional benefit of liposuction of other areas of the body.

What all Breast Fat Grafting Can Do ?
  • By using your own fat, your breasts can be made one to two cup sizes larger without an implant. To add volume to breast tissue for women who do not have significant laxity and are not considering implants
  • If you do not want any incisions on breast
  • To enhance cleavage
  • Someone who is considering implant removal
  • To correct beast asymmetry

Fat Transfer Process

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or autologous fat transfer, is the process of using the patient’s own fat to increase the volume of fat in another area of their body. The fat is harvested or extracted with a liposuction cannula. They are prepared for reintroduction into the body and injected into the new part of the body where the additional bulk is used for medical or cosmetic purposes. The most common donor areas, where fat is taken from, are the stomach, thighs, and waist.

Breast Lift

Over time, the effects of gravity and the loss of the skin’s natural elasticity begin to have an effect on the appearance of a woman’s breasts. These factors, combined with pregnancies and nursing, will often cause the breasts to lose their youthful shape and firmness. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed to return youthful shape and lift to breasts that have sagged as a result of weight loss, pregnancy, loss of the skin’s natural elasticity or simply the effects of gravity. The procedure can also reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple).

The traditional technique for this procedure entails an incision that encircles the areola, continues vertically down the breast, and traces the inframammary fold.

Female Breast Reduction

A breast reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, is a cosmetic procedure to reduce the size of women’s breasts. In addition to physical pain and other symptoms, large breasts may also draw unwanted attention. This can affect a woman’s self-esteem and make her uncomfortable with her appearance. This procedure removes fat and glandular tissue from the breast while tightening skin to produce smaller breasts that are more comfortable and in better proportion to the rest of the body.

Prior to your procedure, Dr. Garg will meet with you to discuss your goals and expectations for surgery. He will also inform you details of your chosen procedure. This discussion is important for helping you to achieve the precise results you desire. Each procedure is fully customized for the individual patient.

Breast Reduction Surgery Candidates

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are women whose oversized breasts are causing medical problems, low self-esteem, physical or social discomfort, or frustration in general. Women must not be pregnant or breastfeeding while undergoing this procedure. It is important for patients to understand the details and risks associated with this procedure. Patients should have realistic expectations in order to be satisfied with the results of their surgery.

Breast Reduction Procedure

The reduction mammaplasty procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about two to four hours. This depends on the techniques used and each patient’s individual case.

After the breast reduction procedure, patients will likely experience soreness, swelling and bruising for several days. Surgeon will remove bandages after two days and replace with a surgical bra. Physical activity should be minimal for one to two weeks. Patients should avoid exercise and other strenuous activity for at least four weeks. Patients will come back to have stitches removed after approximately two weeks, at which point most will be able to return to work and other regular activities.

It is important to see your doctor for regular follow-up visits to ensure that your breasts are healing properly.

Breast Reduction And Breast Feeding

A breast reduction may have an affect on your ability to breast feed. This depends on the type of incision used in the procedure. Traditional reduction mammaplasty uses larger incisions that remove some milk ducts. This could reduce your ability to breast feed.

Scars After Reduction Mammaplasty

Breast reduction will leave permanent scars on your breasts. The size of the scar depends on the incision used for the procedure. The larger the incision, the larger and more noticeable the scar. Scars will appear lumpy and red for months after the surgery, but will fade over time. Breast reduction with liposuction will leave the smallest scar.

Breast Reduction Results

The results of breast reduction are noticeable immediately after surgery. They will continue to improve as swelling and bruising subside. Scars will continue to fade with time, and you can conceal them with a bra, bathing suit or low-cut top. The smaller breasts that result from a breast reduction are permanent, but breasts are still subject to the effects of aging, gravity, changes in hormone levels, and weight gain/loss.

Breast Reduction Risks

Although reduction mammaplasty is safe for most patients, there are certain risks with any surgical procedure. Some of these risks may include loss of sensation, scarring and asymmetry, and well as general surgical risks such as infection, bleeding and reaction to anesthesia. Most patients undergo this procedure with no serious complications.

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Enlargement)

Most men have no idea they could have a condition that causes their breasts to become enlarged. Even fewer do anything about their condition, except for maybe avoiding the beach. But enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia, deserves more respect and education.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia refers to enlarged breasts in men which can cause extreme self-consciousness. This doesn’t occur in only a handful of people, either — 40 to 60 percent of men are affected by gynecomastia.

Causes of Gynecomastia

What’s behind adult gynecomastia is somewhat of an unknown. The condition is common in pubescent boys, however. With adults, causation isn’t clear-cut. Middle-aged and older men also are experiencing shifts in hormone levels, and that could be triggering gynecomastia.Certain medications can also cause gynecomastia:

  • Steroids
  • Anti-anxiety drugs
  • Antibiotics
  • AIDS treatment drugs
  • Heartburn treatment drugs
  • Tricyclic antidepressants

Other causes:

  • Marijuana use
  • Heroin use
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Herbal products with tree oil and lavender oil (each contain natural estrogen)

Am i a candidate for male breast reduction surgery?

The question of whether surgery can fix a patient’s condition involves ruling some things out. If a man’s enlarged breasts are due to weight gain, the first step is to lose the weight and see if the condition persists. Heavy drinkers and marijuana users also aren’t candidates for surgery, as their breast enlargement comes from their lifestyle choices.

Male Breast Reduction Procedure

If surgery is necessary, Dr. Garg will consult with you on the details of the procedure. To avoid obvious scarring, Dr.Garg usually will make incisions either in the armpits or around the areola. He will then remove the glandular tissue, along with excess skin and fat. Liposuction is included to remove fat in the breasts in addition to the glandular tissue. The procedure usually lasts around one to two hours.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

This is not an overly difficult recovery. There will be some swelling and discomfort that may last up to two weeks, but it will begin to resolve relatively quickly. You will need to wear a compression shirt or vest to reduce swelling and to help your chest conform to its new contour. You should be able to resume most of your normal activities within one week after surgery, but any exercise, such as weightlifting, that puts pressure on the chest will need to wait for up to one month. Dr. Garg will discuss this with you during your follow-up.

Is Male Breast Reduction Permanent?

Recurrence of gynecomastia is very rare after excision surgery. True gynecomastia, versus enlarged breasts due to weight gain, is caused mainly by excess glandular tissue. This causes the protrusion of the nipple-areola complex. In male breast reduction surgery, Dr.Garg removes the majority of the mammary gland, leaving enough to support the nipple-areola. With this tissue gone, the chances of recurrence are very low.

However, if the gynecomastia was due to the use of steroids, marijuana, or other medications, it is possible for a patient’s breasts to become enlarged again if usage is continued.

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